Monday, September 29, 2008
Dream Darshan of Swamy
I was sitting in Prashanthi Nilayam in the center beside the door of bhjana room and opposite to the interview room. For those who have been to Prashanthi Nilayam, can easily understand the place which I am mentioning. Swamy walked and came out from the Bhajan room and I was just beside the entrance door. He looked at me and noticed the Shiridi Sai Baba Paarayanam Book I was holding with me. Then Swamy asked me to read a chapter from Shiridi Sai Satcharitra. I opened the book and asked him which chapter should I read while I prepared to read the first chapter. Modati chapter nunchi chadava mantaaraa? I was squatting / sitting on the ground and Swamy was standing beside me in Orange dress in Divine Radiance. Then Swamy bent and sat beside me on like in a position which is not sitting and not kneeling.
He flipped the pages in Sai Sat Charitra and pointed out to a chapter in the book, "ఇందిలో శ్రీరాముని గురించి వుంటుంది... అది చదువు... అని పేజీలు తిప్పుతూ, ఇదిగో... ఇది... అని చెప్పారు". ఆ మాట చెప్తూ, ఇంకా పేజీలు తిప్పారు. తిప్పి అ పుస్తకం లో నేను దాసుకున్న, ఫోటో చూసారు. ఆ ఫోటో శ్రీకృష్ణుడి ది., The picture is very unique picture of Lord Srikrishna. The entire picture is of Lord Krishna in very light blue and whitish figure with all ornaments in gold and a murali. When it comes down to the feet, the feet are of Swamy resting on a Lotus. Swamy admired Lord Krishna and said that, "ఎంత బాగున్నాడు శ్రీ కృష్ణుడు... చాల బాగున్నది కదా...!" అన్నారు. The illusion effect is very beautiful. Then I answered, "ఈ ఫోటో మా అమ్మగారు నాకు ఇచ్చారు" అని. స్వామి, చాలా బాగున్నది అని, he stood up and he was waving and circling his hand to create veebhoothi. I was just putting my hands together, preparing myself for Swamy's Grace to receive Veebhuthi. Then I woke up from dream. I did not see if Swamy has put Veebhuthi in my hands or not. I have seen him creating it for me. His Divine Darshan and Grace is still in awe for me. The Darshan of Swamy which I got is really amazing and so very real. I can't believe myself of the reality in a state of Super Consiousness and such a close Darshan of Swamy. I could experience joy in my heart during Swamy's darshan.
I am blessed to have such a Darshan of Sri Satya Sai Baba when I am physically so far away from Puttaparthi. There are several experiences of Swamy in my life. I would want to narrate all my experiences with Swamy here in my blog.
I also would want to naarate my experiences with Bhakti, Divinity and Darshans of Gods.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ah! I see a happy man there...
Read on...
Ah! I see a happy man there... |
One day, a bunch of guys walked out of the conference room after a business meeting. These guys are from a prospective client and are accompanied by some from within the organization. Besides the conference room, along the pathway there are several work locations. One of the associates who returned from an onsite assignment, was standing and discussing with his colleague at one of the locations on the pathway. This associate though not connected to the client visit, just smiled at the clients team while they were passing by. One of the visitors from the clients team paused and said, "Ah! I see a happy man there! That's when everyone realized what was missing and everyone around smiled. The visitor asked "What's your name...?" A very short conversation happened and the guys moved on. We are one family, and when someone is visiting the organization, it is like they are visiting our place. This being the case, if we do not smile at our guests who visit our place, it is not a pleasant scene. A smile to the visitors from client teams be it at the lift or pathways or at the bays can make a difference. It creates positive influence of happy people which reflects a happy organization. Happiness is a state of mind not state of affairs and a smile can build a lasting affair between the company and the customer. A warm smile be it to the security, the receptionist, to the team members, to other associates and to the clients, this man always has a smile for everyone. Probably, he is the man of multi-million smiles. A genuine smile can take you many miles... |
Ram K Samantula, Chennai |
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Popularity and Personal Power
Your way to Popularity and Personal Power by James Bender and Lee Grahm
Key to Success: "One must understand and like oneself before one can possibly understand and care for others. More important than intelligence or ability is the art of getting along with people" says James Bender.
1. The New way to Popularity and Personal Power
Popularity and Personal Power are Simple to define and difficult to achieve.
What is Popularity?
Popularity is the ability to make people like and respect you.
What is Personal Power?
The ability to make people do what you want.
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people; and if you don't like other people, they can't like you.
Too many intelligent people suffer from too little self-esteem
Read carefully and apply wisely
Your state of health colors your behavior towards other people. And conversely, your behavior towards other people colors your state of health.
Fundamentals of good human relationships by methods that are scientifically sound.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Journal O Ram
It is with the divine blessing of Sri Shiridi Sai Baba, that the book Sri SaiNadha Charitaamrutam is not available online. This book is a daily paaraayana grandham. Please use this book for Shiridi Sai baba's daily paarayanam. This is a very easy to read telugu version and a short and consised version among the several Shiridi Sai Charitaamrutams. You can read it by clicking the link below.
Shirid Sai Paaraayanam
Another spiritual milestone today is to complete 50000 times of "శ్రీరామ" in my journey towards "రామకోటి". Long way to go, covering the backlog for 14th Sep., 08 and again catching up with the daily write up.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Journal O Ram
The idols are so beautiful and fully in Gold, this is the first time I have see such beautiful Lord Sriram and Sita Amma Varu Gracefully sitting on the throne.
Then I went around and adjecent to this is Hanuman temple with Hanuman on a big wall. I offered Namaskaram to Lord Hanuman. The poojari placed "shata gopuram" on my head and he also gave me "theertham" three times and I drank it.
Yesterday before going to bed, I was talking with Swapna and she told me that she was returning from Hauman temple while I called her. Probably, that's the reason why, I got such a wonderful dream.
Jai Sriram!
The world is progressing to the begining
~ Ramji ~
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Journal O Ram

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008 is a day filled with high spiritual rituals and has been intensely satisfying "వినాయక చవితి" auspicious day for me.
- Offered 40 times Ganesha Ashtakam to Lord Sri Maha Ganapathi at home
- Offered Jaggery, couple of bananas, an apple and an orange as phalahaaram naivedyam
- Prepared Gulab Jamoons and offered to Lord Ganesh as an alternative to "Undralla" Prasadam
- Have offered a New White Shirt and PMBOK book to seek blessings of Lord Ganesh
It is a great feeling, actually I was not sure if after my studies, I have continued to place books at Lord Vigneshwara during Vinayaka Chavithi. Today, it struck my mind and I thought of making it a point for Srimaye to seek Lord Maha Ganapathi's blessings by placing books during Vinayaka Chavithi.
I listened to all the Ganesha songs I have in my devotional collection. It is almost 11 hours of non stop devotional music on Lord Maha Ganapthi. I am amazed by the collection and the wonderful rendering of various artists. The best part it covers most of Lord Ganesha Stotrams, to name a few.
- Vaakunda Nalla Manunda..... Prabho Ganapathe song by OS Arun from the album Divine Classic of OS Arun
- Mudakaratma Modakam by MS Subbalakshmi in album series, Balaji Pancharatna Mala
- Ganesha the great album by Times Music
- Vishwa Vinayaka album by Times Music redered by Shankar Mahadevan and SPB.
- Ganapathi by various artists
- Vinayaka Chavithi, Old classic film in Telugu
- Vaatapi Ganapathim song clasical rendition by Yesu Das and many many more.
My very very favorites at all times are:
Ganesha Pancha Ratnam (Mudakaratma Modakam) rendered by MS Subbalakshmi.
Vaakunda Nalla Manunda rendered by OS Arun.
Gananayakaya Gana Daivataaya by Shankar Mahadevan
Vaataapi Gana Varthimpaje by Ghantasaala in Vinyaka Chavithi telugu movie.
Vaatapi Gana Varthimpaje rendition in classical style by Yesudas
My divine experiences with Lord Ganesha in my life.
- I had a dream sometime ago. The dream was while I was working in Hyderabad, if I remember correctly. It was like this. In the dream I was a kid maybe studying 1st standard in school. I was at the entrance gate of our Lalitha Nagar home where, we lived in a rented house for some time. I still remember the fond memories in that house. And diagonally opposite to the house, there was a Ganapathi temple. The speciality of this temple is that the entrance of the temple is like an elephant head. I was really fascinated by watching it as a kid and really used to feel some vibrations while I walk through the entrance, the mouth of the elephant into the temple. Coming back to the dream, in the dream it was a Vinayaka Chavithi day. I was a kid standing at the entrance gate of the compound of my house. Then I saw Lord Ganesh beautifullly dressed in "Peetambaram" yellow dress, with a pink colored "khanduva" adorned with jewels, golden crown and in all divine glory. It was a situation as if Lord Ganesha is visiting all homes in which, people are worshipping him. Then I immediately, ran across the road and caught The Lord's hand by his two fingers with both of my hands. The he looked at me and I told him "మా ఇంటికి రండి.... అదే మా ఇల్లు..." With a very pleasant smile Lord Ganesha walked with me towards my home. I was amazed by this dream and cherish it all my lifetime. And I always look forward for such wonderful dreams.
- Another important experience of Lord Ganesha was, when I was studying my degree. During 1992-1995 and onwards. During this period, Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Temple was newly built near Eenadu. This is less than 4 minutes walk from my home in Vizag. So, I used to go to this Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka temple every day in the evening and spend very personal time with Lord Ganesha. As the temple was newly built, it was quite and very peaceful. The Lords Ganesha's idol is also very cute and I have a very friendly relation with this Lord. So, it used to be like visiting a friend every day in the evening. There is not a day when that goes without going to this temple, when I was in Vizag. As the temple was very new, there were not many people who used to visit the temple. This was to my advantage and that was one of the very reason that it have given me a very very personal feeling of My Lord Ganesha. Even the temple "Archaka" was new and young man that time. So, he eventually became a good friend of mine and used to offer Haarathi to the Lord Ganesha daily when I go. During those days, I used to speak of anything and everything with Lord Ganesha. Sometimes I used to sit for almost an hour before Lord Ganesha. Specially, during summers when there is powercut, I used to go to the temple and sit there before the God. During this time the temple is normally with very very few people. At the same time, The Beauty of the Darshan of Lord Ganesha at this time was really mind blowing. I can even to this day, close my eyes and recollect the Darshan images of Sri Varasiddhi Vinaya Swamy. As it was powercut time in the evening, most of the places were dark or with minimum lighting. The temple has "deepams" lightes in the santum alone and rest of the surroundings are dark. So, there is only one thing which you can see, and that is Lord Varasiddhi Vinayaka. The Lord by then has completed the evening Abhishekam and is in a very casual and simple decoration with a white cloth, white lillies, nicely decorated Naamam, flowers on his trunk, a Silver "keereetam", few flowers around the idol, a broken coconut, a couple of bananas, Pooja bell, Incense sticks giving nice perfume to Lord. This Darshan is my favourite, because there is no other distraction in your mind. All the surroundings are dark as you cannot see anything even if you want to see and hence no distraction. All one can see is Lord Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka in the small Deepam. It is such a focused attention that one gains, it almost is like one is in meditation. Most importantly, with very few people or no one around in the temple at that time, it used to be a very personal and very very pleasant Darshan of Lord Ganesh. The connection with Lord Ganesha was very intense and it gave a great delight and personal satisfaction. The toughest times seemed to be very easy after a conversation with Lord Ganesha. Like this I continued to visit the temple during my B.Com and MBA days. If there were any days in which, I could not make it to the temple while it was open, I used to make sure even if it is late in the night that I go to the temple and offer my prayers to Varasiddhi Vigneshwara from outside. One good thing about this temple is that the temple gates are Iron Grill gates, so I was fortunate to get darshan of Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy temple even if the temple was closed. During my MBA study days, I remember my friends used to wait for me outside of the temple for a long time. Later, they started waiting at my home as that was convenient for them and it also gives me the time I require for myself. After certain days, it became a ritual for me to go via the temple for anything and everything. If I go to college, movie, travel, exam or where ever I go, I used to drive by the temple and go. I used to get the "Abhiskeam" performed to Lord Ganesha. The Archaka who was there used to really perform a very elaborate "Abhiskeham" and it was very satisfying pooja. Initally, the "Archaka" used to perform Sahasra Naamam, Abhishekam and any special pooja very elaborately without any rush or hurry. The New Year pooja used to be very very beautiful. I remember getting the New Year Special pooja performed in 1996. It was a great delight for me and a very memorable New Year Midnight Pooja. A really wonderful and memorable experience. It was rare to get such opportunity. As years passed by, lot of people have astounding faith in Lord Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy and the temple gathered lot of crowds. The "Archaka" too started to shorten and rush the poojas. It was a bit commercialized for maintainence of the temple and improving it. And I have moved out of Vizag in the later years. So, now I make sure, I visit Lord Ganesha temple and perform pooja whenever I visit Vizag. Lord Varasiddhi Vinayak is like my best friend. He is always with me. So, I keep Sri VaraSiddhi Vinayaka Swamy photo at my office desk whereever I work or go. Even today while I am writing this, Lord Varasiddhi Vinayak Swamy photo is on the Corner table lamp in my home here in USA. Lord Ganasha has accompanied me at all times from the time I got His darshan first time in Vizag. I am very thankful to Lord Ganesh and Pray for His Blessing to be showered upon me at all times. I offer my prostration at His Divine feet.
"శ్రీ వరసిద్ధి వినాయక స్వామి వారి పాదములకు శతకోటి అభివందనములు"
I am fortunate to have a picture of the Lord saved with me, which I have taken in 2000. For those who would like to take the Darshan of Lord Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy you can get it right here. The same picture is on top of the page too.
- Lord Maha Ganapathi at the entrance of Puttaparthi Prashanti Nilayam is one idol of Lord in which I have very divine experience. My belief, trust and faith is always highest at Lord Maha Ganapathi in Puttaparthi for my unbelieveable experience time and again. I heard from one of Sathya Sai Baba devotees, that if one wishes anything and perform 40 pradakshinalu (ప్రదక్షణలు) . There are several times I wished for many things and peformed pradakshinalu (ప్రదక్షణలు) and every time all my wishes got fulfilled. I have immense faith in Lord Maha Ganapathi at Puttaparthi. Specially, because of Sai Baba Darshan and Paada Namaskaaram which I got on Jan 11th, My birthday, in the year 1996 on the sports day of Sai Educational institutes. It was a very memorable and divine experience, which, I will write during my divine experiences with "Sai Baba."
- During my stay in Chennai, every monday evening I used to visit Kapaleeshwar Temple in Mylapore. I used to offer a coconut to Ganesha. In Chennai, it is very typical style of breaking the coconut at a particular designated place. That too it is not in the Andhra style of breaking the coconut. In Chennai, the coconut is banged hard to the floor. The harder one hits, the more pieces it breaks into. So, I used to hit it real hard and sometimes my hand used to ache. Sometime the coconut hits the ground on the tail said and it not even used to crack interestingly. So, I had to hit it again. The point is that, I used to offer coconut every Monday evening at Kapaleeswar temple to Lord Maha Ganapathi and I used to sit in the temple and mediate for few minutes.
- During my stay in Singapore in 2003, I used to live in Tangling Halt in a paying guest accommodation. In that very apartment complex vicinity, there was a big and very famous Maha Ganapathi temple. I used to visit this temple during weekends. It is a very delightful and eventful temple. The archaka at the temple suggested that I offer a coconut to Lord Ganesha every Monday. It will remove any obstacles in my life and it will also conferr blessings of Lord Maha Ganapathi. From then onwards, I offer a coconut to Lord Ganesha on Mondays. This is also the Maha Ganapathi Temple where, I did my "జన్మనైకి ఒక శివరాత్రి" by performing "ఉపవాసం & జాగారం" for the whole day and night of Sivaraatri. Early morning the following day after Siva Raatri, I participated in the 4AM pooja to Maha Ganapathi till 6am. Had the prasadams at the temple and have broken my fasting the following day of Sivaraatri. In chennai I maintained it as a ritual to offer coconut to Lord Ganasha.. After coming to USA, there is a deviation to the ritual for which, I need find a possibile way out.
I am just recollecting many of the wonderful Lord Vigneshwara temples which I have visited in my life time. They are:
- Sri Vara Siddhi Vinayaka Swamy Temple near Eenadu in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Sampath Vinayaka Swamy Temple near Uplands in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Vijaya Ganapathi Temple on Akkayyapalem Road in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Vana Vinayaka Swamy Temple near ICWAI bhavan in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Maha Lakshmi Ganapathi Temple in Seethammapeta junction in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Ganapathi Temple near my house in Lalitha Nagar in Visakhapatnam
- Sri Siddhi Vinayaka in Kaanipaakam near Tirupathi
- Sri Maha Ganapathi in Puttaparthi
- Sri Maha Ganapathi Temple in Attapur at Hyderabad
- Sri Maha Ganapathi Temple at Ashta Lakshmi Temple in Hyderabad
- Sri Maha Ganapathi Temple near Secunderabad Station in Hyderabad
- Sri Vigneshwara Swamy Temple at Kapaleeswara Swamy Temple in Chennai
- Sri Maha Ganapathi in Madhya Kailash in Chennai
- Sri Hanuma Ganapathi (Sakthi & Buddhi) at Madhya Kailash in Chennai.
- Sri Siddhi Vinayaka Temple in Mumbai
- Sri Maha Ganapathi temple in Tangling Halt Road in Singapore
- Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapathi Temple in Flushings in New York city
- Sri Maha Ganapthi Vigraham in Satyanarayana Swamy temple in Middle Town Connecticut.
- There are also several very very big Ganapathi Idols which I have seen at Sri Kalahasthi, Sri Sailam, Madhurai, Palani, Thiruvannamalai, Draksharamam, Arasavalli,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"and one more thanks for the motivation on my interview day
that was good booster actually"
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Jouranal O Ram
Monday, August 25, 2008
Asritha Srimaye as Chinni Krishna

Sunday, August 24th 2008.
The world is celebrating Sri Krishna Jama Ashtami. Asritha Srima adorns Chinni Krishna Avataram.

Rara chinnanna, raarori chinnavaada raara muddulaada
raarori balakrishna raaraa... krishna raa raa... balakrishna raa raa...

Krishna Nee begane baaro.... krishna nee begane baaro...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Journal O Ram
Freedom is one of the things which I love. I love my Independence. I celebrate Independence Day in my own my way. My grand father was a Police Officer. So, there were so many values which I received from him. That's why I always keep remember him and keep referring to him when there is a context. Some of the values I can out-rightly list is self-discipline, discipline, punctuality, patriotism, spirituality, travel, joint-family living, family values, respect for elders, fearlessness etc etc etc. Before, I mention how he influenced my life, I must give a little background. Our home "Sri Venkateswara Nilayam" at 50-44-1, P&T Colony, Seetammadhara, Visakhapatnam - 530013 is has 3 large bed rooms, veranda, hall, dining room, kitchen and pooja room. A big car shed good enough for indoor cricket. A huge terrace with space enough to hold a wedding reception. There were 2 water storing tanks above the ground and one huge overhead water tank. All this has relevance at a later point in this journal. A block behind my home is a big play ground.
Discipline / Self-discipline:
When it is comes to discipline, I mean every one among the kids has to get up early in the morning and recite Sri Venkateswara Suprabatham. It has become a natural for all the kids (I was in my 1st standard at school) to brush teeth, take bath on their own, get dressed up, 'definitely' polish ones own shoes, clean and pressed clothes. When we go on tours, everyone must carry at least one luggage and he is responsible for the luggage till the end of the journey. Even the youngest kid is responsible may be for a water bottle or a pillow to carry it. All were so well tuned that everyone used to pick one luggage without a need for continuous instructions.
Shoes are kept at a designated place. Everyone has to fold his bed sheet and place it at a designated place.
In the childhood days, I remember 6pm to 8 pm was definitely reading time. 8pm to 9pm is definitely dinner time. 9pm to 10pm is fun, chatting, music, tv or whatever before going to bed.
There used to be a routine schedule which was followed without even being aware that it is followed. Never late to school. We used to be in train station well in advance to comfortably catch the train without any rush.
In between, I have lost track of this value and the results have been terrible. I remember, we missing train, or catching the train while it is running when I am first time taking Swapna to Chennai after my wedding, going almost an hour late to train station to receive my mom in Chennai, going 3 hours late to the airport to receive Swapna and Srimaye when they came first time to USA, missing so many time lines.
Now, the important thing is to retain the value called "Punctuality!"
Once in three months all the kids have to get a dose of 'Aavadham' for cleaning the stomach. That would really be a fun and run weekend. Fun to catch the guy to give him a dose. Then the guys run to the restroom, for the whole of morning session. Then for lunch it will be rasam, mutton curry and rice. Unforgetable! It definitely cleans the whole stomach.
Applying oil to the hair and keeping it clean and combed. That brings a strong nourishment to the roots of hair and gives it a strong texture. Fruits for the season are definitely part of the family daily meals. Indeed is a wonderful way to live life.
Frequent indigestion, loss of hair, laziness and other side effects for not having a balanced diet and maintaining health.
Now, the important thing is to be aware health and become health conscious. Fit body can be maintained with healthy food. Applying oil to hair is key to keep the hair roots strong and healthy. It also prevents any headaches that are likely by cooling the head.
I heard one saying which, I am not sure of the source. It says, in a family if there are three boy kids, the eldest is to protect the home and manage the family by staying at home. The elder is to get out of home earn money, get food and wealth to the home. The youngest is to protect the nation. That is the kind of contribution from each of the family towards nation and it is an unstated commitment. If it were not so, then I don't thing India would have achieved freedom. And imagine, even women equally participated in the freedom struggle. The patriotic spirit is unimaginable. With the population issue in India, now there is little chance of having three kids at home and on the contrary, the protection of the one kid (boy or a girl) is at the highest risk for terrorism, accidents, illness or whatever the reason.
As he was a retired police officer, in our drawing room, we used to have huge framed pictures of
Mahatma Gandhi - Father of the Nation
Dr. Rajendra Prasad - First President of India
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna - First
Motilal Nehru - First Prime Minister of India
Dr. Subash Chandrabose - Freedom Fighter
I think it is very fortunate to be grown along with Grand Parents. Any body who is grown up in a joint family will have a fortune of values, which otherwise can not be obtained. Leave alone a joint family, a single family itself is not able to keep tightly integrated to live together. In the modern world, the families are disintegrated. And this is becoming more unavoidable situation. Husband, Wife and Children of the same family find it impossible to live in the same home together for reasons of education, work, earnings, business or what ever be the case. So, it is like best of the worst when one is to have the same family integrated and live together in the same home.
Freedom is not in doing whatever we like.
Freedom is in doing what is right with a strong will to do it, whatever be the case.
Freedom unlimited is best experienced in abundance and when the limitless boundaries are kept in mind and discipline in maintained.
Freedom is very personal to ones own self, yet the restrictions would come into play when one the freedom of others is intruded.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Journal O Ram
Om namaste bolo... from the movie Ready.
Swapna has shared this song with me. It is wonderful music and I specially liked the lyrics. It is simply a great dance number and I can imagine Swana and Srimaye how they both would entertain me with their dance. I love to dance with them. I am just thinking of how wonderfully they dance for "my hump" song which, another great dance number.
If you are nterested in watching the song... scroll down.
Lyrics of the song Om Namaste Bolo... written by Ramajogayya Sastry.
From the Movie: Ready
Music by Devi Sriprasad; Singer(s): Divya, Neeraj Sridhar
Om Namaste Bolo Baby Om Namaste Bolo
Dilme Dash Putte Party Timelo,,
Om Namaste Bolo Baba Om Namaste Bolo
Neeto Partner Avuta Pretty Crime Lo,,
Pillo Pillo Pillo Naa Pillow Lanti Pillo
Morning Coffee Avutava Naa Manly Chetullo
Hello Hello Hello Chepesta Nee Kallo
Tutty Frutty Avuta Ne Pedaalalo,,
Laila Andhala ATM La Any Time Muddichela
Nuvvunte Chale Kissu Banku La,,,
Hoyila Love Ade Pentium La
Muddane Museum La
Plus Avuta Neeku Blank Checkkula,,,
Sidney Shildon Fiction Nunchi Shirley Poy Entry Daaka,,
A to Z Ennenno Crazy Books Chadivane
Etta Uriche Literature Pichekkinche Okko Feature
Neelone Choosane Choostu Statue Ayyane,,
Hey Trendy Trendy Trendy Ne Made In Paris Bandhi
3D Loni Body Language By Heart Chesesuko,,,
Chubby Chubby Chubby Naa Chubby Cheekse Pindi
Noppantunna Pappilenno Panchuko,,,
Namaste ||
Hot And Sour Soup Vi Nuvve
Salt And Pepper Nenavutale
Candle Light Dinner Lo Neeku Company Nene,,,
Robin Hood La Vachestane Beauty Mottam Dochestane
Nuvvante Padi Chache Naato Panchukuntane,,
Thanda Thanda Thanda Nerpistava Fanda Magic Edo Choopistava Harry Potter La,,,
Thoda Thoda Thoda Chesestale Theda
Nee Edo Meter Speed Ey Peridentala,,,
Om Namaste||
Om Namaste!! from Ram
Monday, August 4, 2008
Journal O Ram
Beware of people who frown-up people who act innocent!
"Babies are a buzz on the blogger!!"
So on blogs where babies are a buzz, in life Srimaye is the fizz. She is amazing and really a darling of hearts. I miss Srimaye so much.
Regarding Dreams:
Infact, dreams have a very significant place in my life, specially Divine Dreams I dream of by God's grace. Interestingly enough, to enhance the importance of dreams in my life, my wife's name is "Swapna". Swapna is a very sweet (మధురం) person. Having said that, I must say that Swapna is a "Sweet Dream" in my life. Having Swapna with me in my life, I always have a very "Sweet Dream" with me.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Journal O Ram
Firstly, Happy Friendship Day! No one can stop thinking of friends, specially when one comes to know / hear that it is friendship day. 1st Sunday of August. However brighter and better the future, they always say "Good old days!" I still have to figure out why it is so?
I am good here and in the phase of the forced bachelorhood. Enjoying it! I understand that all of us are busy in our own way and our own world. As we belong to the same planet, let us make sure we do not become alien. Though busy with the routine here, I definitely miss all you guys. It feels good when I connect to you guys sometimes on phone or sometimes on chat or sometimes with occasional jottings like this.
Have fun!
Happy Friendship day!
An article I received as chain email, on History of Time which is interesting to me.
Modern man is in a dire predicament. Living a day-to-day existence, he always thinks about the `now', the `today' and perhaps the `tomorrow'- but can hardly bring himself up to anything in the distant future or the distant past. Living in tiny cocoons of time, he has little knowledge or appreciation of recent history, not to speak of ancient history. Tightening his time- cocoon is the present-day European-influenced notion that human civilization itself is worth studying only after itgot `modernized' in the last 4 centuries. And the Semitic religions(Judaism, Christianity and Islam) have added their part by treating the advent of their masters as the worthy beginning of any serious study of the world. (One Christian saint went as far as to mention that Creation itself happened only recently in 4004 BC.). Thus man tightens his time cocoons and suffocates himself.In contrast to this normal view of humanity, is the modern view of scientists (such as Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and many others) in which the universe is conjectured to have passed through many millions,perhaps billions of years in existence. This brings in a tiny ray of light into the otherwise narrow notions of Time held by contemporary man. In striking contrast to both the above groups of people are the Bhagavathothamas who incessantly serve the lotus feet of Lakshmi and Narayana. In them there arises a Total Illumination, called para-gnana,by which the Truth of the Totality of Existence is revealed as a fruit in one's own palm. One such Bhagavathothama, who intimately knew Time as well as its Master, is the sage Vyasa, to whom all of us owe our very breath. He too has written a "Brief History of Time" - but this one, unlike its secular counterpart, is supremely Real and has the sole intention of generating in the hearts of listeners, parama-bhakti, supreme devotion to Mahavishnu. The merciful sage has written about Time and its Ruler in many of his Sookthis, one of which is Srimad Bhagavatha Purana. Here is a brief summary of Vyasa's wisdom on Time culled from thatdelightful text.
1) We are currently living in Kali Yuga, the fourth of Yugas, which is constituted of 4,32,000 years.
2) Twice the duration of Kali Yuga, that is, 8,64,000 years make up the third Yuga, Dwapara Yuga.
3) Thrice the duration of Kali, that is, 12,96,000 years form the second Yuga, Threta Yuga.
4) Four times the duration of Kali, that is, 17,28,000 years go intothe first Yuga, Sathya Yuga or Kritha Yuga.
5) These four Yugas put together constitute one Chathur Yuga,which is 43,20,000 years (43.2 lakh years or 4.32 million years).
6) One thousand such Chathur Yugas constitute one day for Brahma which is 4,32,00,00,000 years (432 crore years or 4.32 billion years). A dayof Brahma is called a Kalpa.
7) At the end of a day of Brahma, there is a Pralaya called Naimittika Pralaya meaning Occassional Dissolution, in which the whole universeis dissolved into the elemental condition and Narayana reclines on Adi Sesha. This Yoganidhra of Ranganatha is considered the night-timeof Brahma, who is said to sleep or take rest in Emberumaan.
8) The night-time of Brahma, that is, Perumal's Yoganidhra, continues for the same duration as a day-time of Brahma, i.e., for 4.32 billionyears.
9) One full day of Brahma (day-time + night-time) therefore comes to8.64 billion years.
10) At the close of Brahma's night, Padmanabha rises from Adi Seshaand recreates the universe (Shristi) starting with the same Brahma and thus another Kalpa follows.
11) One year of Brahma is constituted of 360 Brahma days (or 360Kalpas) which totals up to 3,110,400,000,000 years (3.11 trillionyears).
12) 50 such years of Brahma constitute a Parardha (half-life) forBrahma which boggles the mind at 155,520,000,000,000 human years(155.5 trillion years).
13) 2 such Parardhas constitute a lifetime for Brahma and comprises311,040,000, 000,000 human years (311 trillion human years). Alifetime of Brahma is called a Maha Kalpa.
14) At the end of a Maha Kalpa, that is, at the end of Brahma's lifetime, Narayana, the Kaalaswarupi, engages in Prakritha Pralaya, Total Cosmic Dissolution, in which the whole universe including the elements are dissolved in Vasudeva.
15) At the close of this Cosmic Night, Sriman Narayana initiates a new Maha Kalpa by recreating the universe along with a new Brahma.
16) The Supreme Being, Narayana, has created an INFINITE number of such Maha Kalpas in the past. Hence there is no absolute beginning for creation.
Another interesting article I found, which is funny and the on that is to my interest God.
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things on various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that God exists as you say so." "Why do you say that?", asked the client."Well, it's so easy; you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't think of a God who permits all of these things." The client heard it but kept quiet. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his cut and he looked so untidy). The client entered the barbershop again and said to the barber: " You know what? Barbers do not exist." "How come they don't exist?" asked the barber. "Well I am here and I am a barber." "No!",the client exclaimed. "They don't exist because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who walks in the street." "Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me." "Exactly!"affirmed the client. "That's the point. God does exist, what happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world".
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Journal O Ram
Lot of people talk about work life balance. I think, work is part of life. So, it is not that you are balancing between work and life. It is that you are balancing life itself. When we say balancing life it includes balancing work, family, health, wealth, prosperity, progress, safety, risk and the whole host of things we can think of. I think it is all put together to give a holistic view of Life.
How do we balance.
We can balance by doing many things at the same time focusing on one thing at a time. How is that possible. It is natural for humans. For instance, we do multiple things naturally, breath, think, see, listen, act, react etc. If you notice all these are running in parallel. But at any point in time there is a focus on one particular activity. For instance, during Pranayama, your focus is on breathing. When you are exercising, your focus is on the physical strength of the body part you are working on. When you are eating you are focused on your food. When you are watching a movie you focus on the movie, synchronizing the voice and visual.
There by, to balance the several things in life, one need to have patience to start, act and complete the activity. For instance, when you want to bring balance by spending time with your family, spend it with the primary focus on family. In the modern work culture, work from home is part of life. So, when one is working from home, the focus should be on work, though you may have a reason to work from home and that becomes the second priority. Similarly, if you are handling an important role in an organization and can not be away from work activities. Or if nature of your work demands your attention most of the time, then when you are on a vacation, one must be available to attend and preferable make arrangements for backup. So, that only minimal attention or minimal or no time of your vacation is used for work. This way, one is focused on vacation and thoroughly enjoying the vacation. At the same time, when one is back to work after vacation, the focus is again at work. This leads to prioritizing the tasks at hand.
When it comes to prioritizing, it needs a lot of discipline. It reminds me of our school days. during our schooling, we have 7 sujbects.
Telugu (Prose and Poetry)
Hindi (Prose and Poetry)
English (Prose, Poetry and Non-detail)
Social (History, Geography, Economics and Civics)
Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
Mathematics and
Moral Science.
Apart from this we also have one PT (Physical Training and not play time) period per week.
We also have one SUPW (I don't remember the abbreviation for this). The abbrreviation as I Rajesh reminds me is that it is Students yoUthful Productivity Work. I know it is a fun period on Friday afternoon last period. It is for singing, music and fun activities.
We have 7 periods in a day with 4 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. There is a lunch break, there are morning interval and evening interval, each coming after two consecutive periods.
Exams used to be 1st Unit Test, 2nd Unit test, Quarterly, 3rd Unit test, Half Yearly, 4th Unit Test and Final exams. All this in just 9 months with three months in a year, overall going for vacation.
There are also school events like sports day, teachers day, children's day, inter school competitions, picnics too.
Imagine, as kids each one of us did it for 10 years achieving so much in the time span in a very systematic way. And if you ask, majority of the people would say that "school days are the most enjoyable days or the best days in life!" Think of it, why is it so??
It is because we balanced life in the most efficient way and thus we enjoyed every moment of it and we relish on those memories for a life time.
When one is able to continuously prioritize the tasks / activities balance is possible. Balance is like slow cooking or like delivering a baby. It requires the due time that is needed to achieve balance. It is a continuous process or rather a never ending process because balancing life is required all through ones life. Balancing life is for a life time. It is a journey and not a destination. If that is the case, then where are the results / fruits in Balancing life. The fruits / results in balancing life are in that very instant. They are in each and every moment one balances life. And according to me, those are the moments, in which one is actually living life.
Balance is enjoyment!
Balance is results!
Balance is completeness!
Balance is Living!
Balance is Life!
Like I mentioned sometime earlier in one of my previous, Idea of "Rama Koti". Because it is difficult in our busy life style, my friend Sridhar has given an idea we can do nama smarana instead of writing "Rama Koti". As it is said that in Kaliyuga, people can attain salvation through Nama Smaranam. That is great idea infact. Later I saw in one of the orkut groups on Lord Srirama that there are some messages which say lets us write Rama koti. And everyone contributes in their own way to Ramakoti. I remember participating sometime earlier also in such messages of writing Ramakoti. Suddenly it struck my mind that, why should I not write Ramakoti in my own blog. Great! It just struck my mind. Here I am starting Ramakoti on my blog. I am excited about it because I love to type faster. It is type writing Rama Koti. The modern way of writing Ramakoti. It also gives me great feeling for the auspicious endeavor.
I will write it in Telugu as google provides me this option to write in telugu and the label will be ramakoti. Lot of people, I have seen in the recent times have written as Jai Sriram, Jai Jai Sriram etc. If I am not wrong, while building the Varadhi, vanaras have engraved the name శ్రీరామ on the stones and have dropped them in the water. Because of the power of this name శ్రీరామ the stones started to float in the ocean thus making the bridge. Such is the power of taraka nama శ్రీరామ. The word as I have seen Ramakoti written by my Grand mother and Grand father is శ్రీరామ. So, I will use the same word శ్రీరామ. I will write it on my devotional site.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Jorunal O Ram
TASK | JULY (31) |
Task 1 | 10 |
Task 2 | 5 |
Task 3 | 13 |
Task 4 | 6 |
Task 5 | 6 |
Task 6 | 15 |
Task 7 | 5 |
Task 8 | 4 |
Task 9 | 1 |
Task 10 | NA |
Now, this has become an awakening statistics. So, that I keep my activities, tasks or objectives realistic, practical and achievable. Hence, I move forward with my tracking for August. I am waiting for the scores at the end of August.
The lessons from July, I think are:
Balance is the key
Realistic goals
More commitment and dedication towards the goals
Do not make false assumptions
Do not restrict the mind for innumerable possibilities
Most importantly, if you one needs to make a choice between a) to go for it or b) not to go for it, choose to "Go for it!". For instance, one of these days, I wanted to go to the gym. Time was already 9pm on a weekday. So, I was really thinking if I should go for it or not go for it. I looked out of the window and it was dark and I did not see anyone around. I thought it was too late. Then, I anyway had to go out to drop the trash. So, I eventually chose to go to the gym while I dump the trash. And when I was at the gym, I was astonished at the number people that are working out at that hour in the gym. It was maybe a little less than the peak hour. And there is a 60 years old lady who has her skin and muscles sagged due to old age. And she is working out
on the biceps machine with a 10lbs weight. I admired her commitment to health and felt greatly motivated. At the same time, I felt ashamed for thinking of not going to the gym. Anyone, who is lazy, please go to the gym and see with your own eyes how people are working towards a healthy life. You will be inspired to keep yourself healthy. Good Luck!
Key words:
Single minded determination
Focus to complete
The four C's which Rajesh once told me:
I will update the other two later. Not able to recollect.
Yes, I got the one of the two. (After a weekdays. Today is 7th, while the original post is on 1st.)
Now what is the one which is remaining.
I got this other C. Rajesh reminded me that it is Courage. (Updated this on 31st August 2008).
Spell check:
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Journal O Ram
In Polaris, when the organization started an internal wiki, to encourage and drive the users to the wiki site a contest was conducted for the best profiles on wiki. The contest was in 5 to 6 rounds. My profile was in the first round of the top 10 profiles rather "most wanted profiles". It was good fun. I enjoyed the fun because the fun was in running the race rather than in winning the race. Ofcourse winning is undoubtedly wonderful. I have great self-satisfaction in the creation of this profile though it was not voted the best. If you ask me from what I saw from all of the profiles I am sure that mine is definitely the best profile. "I AM THE BEST!" Check it out!
Ram K Samantula
From Polaris-wiki
Life is Living, Loving, Learning and Laughing!
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Fondly known as: Ramji, Ram
Date of birth: 11th Jan, 1974
Sun sign: Capricorn
Compatible sunsigns: Compatible Sun Sign? The rising, shining and smiling one; highly compatible with all sun signs
Designation: Senior Manager
Role: Corporate BCP Coordinator
Responsibilities: Responsible for implementing BCP for all identified projects at all locations of Polaris. Conduct BCP awareness sessions, workshops and facilitate in project BCP preparation and testing. Instrumental in organization wide awareness of BCP.
(My email id is different from my actual full name. Thanks to Lotus Notes team for adding my father's name in my email id.
It reminds me of my Dad always, "thoda senti hogaya", I miss Him a lot
Contact: 098842 95114 (24X7)
Work Location: Though the base station is at 3502 Foundation, Navalur, My job demands to work from all locations, as I interact for BCP activities with Project Teams, HR, SEPG, Sales, Nalanda, Admin and IT at all locations of Polaris in all the cities within India. Onsite it's virtual presence. If there is a team left out, let me know, together we will make it. ;-) Oh! I am loving it!
About Polaris: Live Your Dream!
Team: Always in the Winning Team
Awards: 'Best Young Manager', TISCO Trophy Award Winner representing Polaris at The National Competition for Young Managers from All India Managment Association
Awarded "50 Years of Freedom" Independence Scholarship from NIIT
"Best Employee of The Month" at Sierra Atlantic.
Whole host of wins at several competitions at school, college, university and zonal levels in sports and cultural activities.
Topics: Music, Devotion, Bhajans, Software, Banking, Management, Venture Capital, Investment Banking, Business Continuity, Discos, Dancing and Page 3 lifestyle
Qualification & Experience: I will forward my 5 page resume upon request :-) Feel free to ask.
My Spouse: Swapna (Dream Girl...)
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About Us: We studied in the same school, we are from the same area and same city Vizag. And the surprise is that we don't know each other until we got engaged. It's an arranged marriage. :-) Actually, I prefer it to be called as "Marriage Love" because we are in love after marriage, unlike in "love marriage" where love is before marriage. As long as Love is in your life, it doesn't matter if it's Love Marriage or Marriage Love. It is my opinion and you don't have to agree with me. ;-) Married on 10th August, 2005.
My Kid: Ashrita Srimaye
About The Little Angel: Swapna and I are blessed with this little angel on Sunday, 18th June 2006. On this day of the year 2006, the world celebrated "Fathers' Day!", I became a Father on Fathers' Day. That's what I call as "God's Gift". Srimaye is called as Ashritha, Srimaye, Princy, Bangaru Talli, Sri MahaLakshmi, Chinni Munni, Tingiri Bingiri, Ukkul Bukkul and many more to come, I just go crazy for her. She is 9 months now, crawling, uttering little words and is getting her first tooth. :-)
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God's Gift | Ummmmm... | Choo Chweet... |
Family God: Lord Sri Venkateswara (Kula Daivam)
Favourite God: Lord Sriram (Ishta Daivam)
My Idol: My Swamy (Lord Sriram)
I can't resist: Temptation ;-)
I can speak: "My Mind"
My passion: My Dreams (...zzzzzz ... sleep less, dream more)
My crowing glory (any spl talent): "Utna scene nahi hai..." :-)
Most happiest moment: Now (Every moment I breath in health)
Fav screen star: Uh... (I like real life stars...)
My strenghts: Persistance and Prayers
I Enjoy: Modelling, Dancing, Worshipping, Working, Work-out and Winning
I believe in: Power of Prayer, Connecting Power and Personal Power
Books: Ramayan, Mahabharat as it is, Sai Satcharitra, Sri Vishnu Sahasra Naamam, Bhikshu Geetam, Alchemist, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, You Can Win, etc etc etc.
Fond of: Family & Friends
Hobbies: Meditation, Gardening, Aquarium, Thyagaraja Kritis, Cooking, Masti & Dosti, Fashion & Interior Designing, Traveling, Visiting Historic and Holy Places, Massages
One Liner: "Jack of All Trades, Master of All Trades"
Leadership: "Follow Yourself, Others will Follow You"
Inspiration Sparks: Lord Sriram, My Grandfather (A Police Officer), Swamy Vivekananda, Adi Sankaracharya, Ratan Tata, Abdul Kalam, Laloo Prasad Yadav, Mother Teresa, Gandhiji, Howard Hughs, Benjman Fraklin, Vijay Mallya
My Motivation: My Mom, My Spouse, My Brothers and My Coach
Follower of: Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba
Partying: On Demand
Quote: "Men like Chocolate and Coffee should always be Rich"
Channels: I keep browsing various channels from Aastha, ETV, Gemini, Zoom, History, Discovery, Animal Planet, All Music Channels, NDTV Profit, BBC, CNN, Sanskar, DD, FTV (I spend very little time before TV, seriously and that's why I wanna watch as many channels as possible) :-)
Catch me if you can: Monday evening at Kapaleeshwar temple, Sunday morning at Royapetta fish & vegetable market, Daily during the day at any of the Polaris locations within
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More About Myself: If your "dil maange more..." then read this "dil se re, dil se re..."
Born & brought up in the Steel City Vizag a port with a natural harbour, I completed my schooling from KG to PG at Vizag. I grew up in a joint family of a dozen members (6 adults and 6 kids). All preparations & purchases were made in multiples of dozen. Count is easy, isn't it? :-) In the family tree, our family was like a cricket team with 11 people and one extra-special, I. I am the youngest at home, so the star of home. Values obtained from family are punctuality, self-discipline, worship, travel and celebration.
I started my professional career in the twin cities
A big achievement in life is going on a bicycle from Vizag to Puttaparti (1200 KMS) with a group of 135 Satya Sai Devotees on a Spiritual trip for one week. During the day we cycled from 5AM to 5PM. In the evenings it used to be Seva in villages through distribution of food and clothing.
I start the day with devotional songs, day passes through all genres of music & songs and ends with a situational song. Music is the spice of life. I like to sport an urban look and dress to the occasion. I get high at Discos and Bhajans. Offering a Thyagaraja Kriti or Bhadrachala Ramadasu Kirtana to Lord Sriram is fulfilling to me. I like children. I like to live my life, be in love and continue to learn, smile and laugh.
Bottom line "Happiness to me is state of mind and not state of affairs".
Note: This is the information as is from the Polaris wiki as of 2007. Any changes to information here is intentionally not updated to retain originality.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pavan Kalyan, prakkana nenu...

I was at the Hyderabad domestic airport, waiting to catch a flight to Chennai on 18th April, 2005 at 7.30am. I was sitting in the waiting hall after completing the security check. I sat at a place where I can see people coming in. After sometime, when I raised my head, I saw Pavan Kalyan walking in. He is in a green pullover and blue jeans with big black boots and a backpack. He is really tall and cool. Just like he walks on the screen with his head bent forward slightly,
a swagger in a walk with not so big steps and at a cool pace. Then to find a place he raises his eyes without raising his head fully. It is just like on the screen how he watches for the threat from any danger from villains. It is that kind of a look he has. The eyes reflect lot of self-confidence and strength. His eyes observe and record many things at one glance. He found a row to the sidewall on the rear and sat in the first seat of that single empty row to the wall. There is no one in that row and there are also not many people at the rear of the hall. Then I turned around and noticed that he was alone watching around, thinking or maybe just sitting.
I thought for few minutes, If I would be bothering him early in the morning. I also thought that, now that he is alone, it will also be a good time pass for him if I can make a sensible conversation.
While reading this please imagine Pavan Kalyan's mannerisms as the way you see him on the screen. He is a very friendly guy for an intelligent conversation and very natural. He is just the way you see him on screen. "Cool"!!!
Then I went to where he sat and started on a cheerful note.
RKS: Hi, Srirama Navami Subhakankshalu!!!
PK: Oh! Eeroju Srirama Navama? Naaku teliyadu. With a braod smile
and eyebrows raised.
RKS: Yeah! Eeroju Srirama Navami.
PK: Thank you and same to you with a warm smile.
RKS: Can I take one picture of you please?
PK: Sure. (He naturally gave a very nice still.)
RKS: I clicked one picture with my Samsung D410. Wow!!!
And said one picture with you.
PK: Sure, he removed the backpack from the chair beside him and
placed it on the floor and made room for me to sit.
RKS: I said thank you and told him, I can show this to all my friends
and say like the movie dialogue, "Pavan Kalyan, pakkana nenu."
PK: He gave a wonderfully big smile for that.
RKS: Then I clicked and the picture did not come properly.
PK: That's ok, "flight lo air hostess teestundhi le, meeru chennai
kada veltunnaru".
RKS: OK, that will be great.
RKS: I work in Polaris at Chennai, though I am from Hyderabad.
PK: Polaris, ekkada choosanu… (the mannerisms are same as that you
watch on the screen… very natural)
RKS: Yeah, just Airport ki vastunte, left lo vastundi Polaris.
PK: Annh choosanu.
RKS: Ninna maa friend vaalla father sashti poorthi attend ayyamu. S
P Balasubramanya is a best friend of my friends father. They were
talking about 40 years of their friendship and the function was filled
with all friends. It was more like a friendship day celebration than
anything else. We had great fun.
PK: SPB gara. OK
RKS: meeku childhood friends vunnara, and do you meet them? Someone
like a bench mate in class?
PK: Leru. Ante ekkada vunnaro teliyadu. Aa taruvata eppudu contact
kooda cheyya ledu. I did not study at one place. And also, by then I
am brother of a celebrity. So I was ragged a bit. I do not have fond
memories at school to keep them.
RKS: Meeru vizag lo vundevaru kada?
PK: Yeah, konni rojulu akkada vunnanu. And also, I only completed my
Intermediate, so not much of college life.
RKS: Oh OK. Are you going to Chennai for a shooting?
PK: Ledu personal pani meeda veltunnanu. Meeru emi chestu vuntaru.
RKS: My friends, my brothers and myself are big fans of you and all
your brothers.
PK: Another great broad smile and he said Thank you bending little forward.
RKS: What is your next movie?
PK: Inka emi ledu, ante peru petta ledu.
RKS: Who is the heroine?
PK: Inka decide kaa ledu.
RKS: mee interview on TV lo choosanu, howz your baby?
PK: He is fine. Chaala rojula kritam aiy vuntundhi.
RKS: Yeah, Pongal ki anukuntaanu. (looks like he did not give any
interview recently). Then, mee screen meeda mannerisms chaala
baguntaayi. Specially, aa kallu chootoo pariseelistu vunte…. Ippudu
kodataadu raa annattu vuntaayi… chaala baaguntundhi…
PK: Neenu generally screen meeda act cheyyanu, natural gaa vuntaanu.
RKS: That's great. (And then I see another mannerism where his
right hand goes behind the neck as if he adjusts his hair. You can
see this mannerism in most of the movies before a fight. Typical
Pavan Kalyan's style.)
What is your time pass? Free time lo emi chestu vuntaaru?
PK: I practice Violin. I am learning classical music now.
RKS: Interesting, I am also learning Carnatic classical singing. Who
is your guru?
PK: He is a person from Tirupati. He teaches me Violin.
RKS: Myself being in IT, the stress levels are high. It really give
a great relaxation to learn classical singing.
PK. True. What you do should be different from your profession.
Andhuke neenu Violin practice chestunnanu. I got into classical
music. It gives a deep sense of relaxation.
RKS: Tyagaraja Kirtanalu nerchu kunnappudu, I see, chaala mandiki
vaati ardhamulu kooda teliyadu. For instance, "paraatpara" ante
sreshtula lo srestudu ani ardham. Ee maata manamu chaala saarlu vini
vuntaamu, kaani daani ardhamu chaala mandiki teliyadu. That's why I
got a Telugu dictionary for myself.
PK: Avunu, chaala vaatiki manaku ardhamulu teliyadu. Manaku vaati
meanings kooda teliyadu and vaatini manamu ippudu vaadamu kooda. Ee
classical baaga practice vundaali.
RKS: Yeah, I like Einstene said "Genius is one percent inspiration
and ninety nine percent perspiration"
PK: No, Einstene kaadu, Thomas Alwa Edison cheppadu adi.
In the meantime, Sankardada MBBS music director Devi Sri Prasad vacchi
Pavan Kalyan ki Good morning Pavan Sir, chennai veltunnanu, akkada
kalustaanu ani wishes cheppi vellaru.
RKS: Oh OK. Inka vere emi chestu vuntaaru meeru?
PK: Nenu chaala aalochistu vuntaanu. Mind gurunchi ekkuvaga
aalochistu vuntaanu. Chinnappudu naaku scientist avvali ani vundedhi.
Neenu actor ayyanu. Neenu mind capacity emity, entavaraku mind
vellagaladu, mind ki limits emiti ani alochistu vuntaanu. Mind ni
study chyyatamu ante naaku chaala interesting ga vuntundhi. Left
brain, right brain concept kaakunda inkaa deep ga think chestu
vuntaanu. I read some books on that also.
RKS: Have you read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It is very
interesting and is to your tastes.
PK: Yeah, nenu chadivaanu. Actually very interesting author. Nenu
oka saari, Paulo Coelho website ki velli oka email pampinchaanu.
Anukokunda, authoer aayana response pampinchaadu. Luckily, ala aa
thread build ayyindi. Adi entaga ayyindhi ante, aa author mammalni
atani country ki rammani invite chesaru. Naaku shootings valla neenu
vella ledu. Renu maatram vellindhi and aayana two days host chesaru.
It was really very interesting. Inko book "Warrior of light" kooda
naaku chaala ishtamu.
In the mean time there was an announcement for boarding the flight.
Pavan Kalyan got up and picked his backpack. I got up and we walked
towards the ticket check. Pavan Kalyan was before me he finished with
the ticket check and waited for me. I was totally delighted for his
modesty. He has no reason to wait. Still he waited until, I
completed my ticket check and joined him. He looked very tall and is
wearing nice big brown boots. He has a very cool look.
RKS: What is the book you said, I will read it?
PK: "Warrior of light" kooda chadivaanu. It is a very good book.
RKS: Nenu chaduvutaanu. I really appreciate the way you are.
Generally, I know people who say, what if he is a film hero, who
cares? I do not wanna go and talk to him or ask for an autograph? I
do not know why people have such big egos to approach a Star. All
said and done He is a Hero.
PK: Just looked and did not say anything. He was listening.
RKS: Once it so happened that I met the Hero Venkatesh at Chennai
airport. A couple of other guys came from somewhere and started
putting critics, stating that "Hey Venkatesh, you are getting grey
beard, you are getting old." Least do these people realize that
"after all, these film heroes are also human beings." And these two guys
who comment on Venkatesh, think of themselves as if they are real time heroes.
PK: "You should see the inside of the person and not the outside!"
That is most important.
Then we reached the flight and airhostess said Good Morning. PK
entered the flight and sat in the 3rd row window seat of business
class, obviously. I sat in the second row of the Economy class. I
thought I would go and talk to him one the flight takes off. No
sooner the flight took off, time flew too and we reached Chennai. I
did not have the opportunity to get into the business class as
breakfast is being serverd. After the flight landed off, I thought of
calling Pavan Kalyan to wait so that I would take a photograph with
him. Then again, I thought it would be too much to ask for him to
wait. I saw him going in the business class bus and another guy
talking to him in the bus.
I was happy that I could spend almost 35 to 45 minutes with Pavan
Kalyan. And I am sure that this conversation between us will be
memorable for both Pavan Kalyan and myself too. Next time when I meet
Pavan Kalyan, I can always remind him of this conversation and can
easily continue to befriend him.
I do not know what people think of Pavan Kalyan. To my understanding,
he is very intelligent, speaks wonderful English with no grammatical
mistakes. He likes intellectual conversations. He is very friendly
and approachable if only you can make the conversation interesting for
him. He is a great listener, thinks a lot and loves to experiment.
In his conversations, he has nice messages for all of us. He is a
wonderful human being. If you watch him outside, you will see that
most of his mannerisms on screen are natural. He is very natual on
screen because he is the same in real life too. He is an Icon for the
Youth of Andhra Pradesh.
Personal Energy Management
Program: One life to Love on NDTV
Topic: Personal Energy Management
Like how very little is done on Personal Time Management, there is very little attention to Personal Energy Management. There are various factors, which deplete or replenish your energy levels. What you eat has a great effect on your energy levels. It either depletes or replenishes your energy.
Energy Zappers:
Intake of sugar gets you on high very quickly and crashes you very quickly. So a cut down on sugar intake can give you balance of energy levels. Most of us have processed food, from attas to oils. Intake of fats contents depletes energy. Alcohol has no nutritional value and will zap energy.
The powerful energy sources can be wholesome food. Vegetables, Lintels, whole grains, pulses.
Indian foods are good wholesome value and are heavy. So intake should be balanced and quantity controlled. Fruits and yogurt for lunch are good for energy. Start eating on how you feel like. Be aware of what you eat. Awareness is power. Minor changes on diet can make huge difference in energy levels rising. It increases your vitality. Rather than dragging through the day, vitality makes you skip through the day.
High energy levels make one mentally alert and physically energetic. Even 5 minutes of right exercise can significantly raise your energy levels. What are the energy blockers?
Unhappiness, hurt feelings, disillusion, hate, anger, pain etc., can be blockers of energy
What makes energy levels flow and raise?
To get invoked and involved is one thing. Do something for yourself. The more the involvement the more are the energy levels. Reading, knowing and talking about something is good. Doing it makes increase your energy levels. Doing is more important. End of the day, doing what is important will increase your energy levels. It brings life force and vitality. Work the body and calm the mind. Fundamentally discipline starts inside out. The traditional disciplines like Yoga, Tai-Chi (Pronounced Tie Chee is an ancient Chinese discipline that integrates mind, body, and spirit.) can be good for increasing energy levels. These are good as they have a process of doing things slowly. Doing things slowly gives you silence. By doing these slowly, silence is forced within you. While doing these you participate yet you also observe. This builds a deep reservoir of strength within.
Good is no longer good enough. The secret to great energy levels is to recharge your energy every time before it is depleted.
Accurate breathing replenishes energy naturally. Most people do not breathe properly and are not aware of breathing techniques. When one is taking breath he/she is breathing life. So breathe properly and amply. Take in as much air as you can. Build on it to have a reservoir of
energy. Breathing is vital in vitalizing you vivacity. Create a space for yourself in a room with lots of sunlight. Sunlight essentially raises energy levels.
Water is another important factor for balanced energy levels. Lot of people does not have the threshold for thirst. Most of us get involved in activities that we do not realize the thirst. Thirst zaps energy levels. Water replenishes energy. Six to eight glasses of water daily is essential
for the body. At the same time urination at intervals will release all the impurities.
Not just refueling energy, we also need to watch for energy leaks. Technology is a major cause of energy leak due to radiations. Observe the IT professionals.
Extreme self-care is required if you have to do personal energy management. Personal Energy Management is essential for us, to be vibrantly well.
End Program:
Journal O Ram
Program: One life to Love on NDTV
Topic: Personal Energy Management
Like how very little is done on Personal Time Management, there is very little attention to Personal Energy Management. There are various factors, which deplete or replenish your energy levels. What you eat has a great effect on your energy levels. It either depletes or replenishes your energy.
Energy Zappers:
Intake of sugar gets you on high very quickly and crashes you very quickly. So a cut down on sugar intake can give you balance of energy levels. Most of us have processed food, from attas to oils. Intake of fats contents depletes energy. Alcohol has no nutritional value and will zap energy.
The powerful energy sources can be wholesome food. Vegetables, Lintels, whole grains, pulses. Indian foods are good wholesome value and are heavy. So intake should be balanced and quantity controlled. Fruits and yogurt for lunch are good for energy. Start eating on how you feel like. Be aware of what you eat. Awareness is power. Minor changes on diet can make huge difference in energy levels rising. It increases your vitality. Rather than dragging through the day, vitality makes you skip through the day.
High energy levels make one mentally alert and physically energetic. Even 5 minutes of right exercise can significantly raise your energy levels. What are the energy blockers? Unhappiness, hurt feelings, disillusion, hate, anger, pain etc., can be blockers of energy
What makes energy levels flow and raise?
To get invoked and involved is one thing. Do something for yourself. The more the involvement the more are the energy levels. Reading, knowing and talking about something is good. Doing it makes increase your energy levels. Doing is more important. End of the day, doing what is important will increase your energy levels. It brings life force and vitality. Work the body and calm the mind. Fundamentally discipline starts inside out. The traditional disciplines like Yoga, Tai-Chi (Pronounced Tie Chee is an ancient Chinese discipline that integrates mind, body, and spirit.) can be good for increasing energy levels. These are good as they have a process of doing things slowly. Doing things slowly gives you silence. By doing these slowly, silence is forced within you. While doing these you participate yet you also observe. This builds a deep reservoir of strength within.
Good is no longer good enough. The secret to great energy levels is to recharge your energy every time before it is depleted.
Accurate breathing replenishes energy naturally. Most people do not breathe properly and are not aware of breathing techniques. When one is taking breath he/she is breathing life. So breathe properly and amply. Take in as much air as you can. Build on it to have a reservoir of energy. Breathing is vital in vitalizing you vivacity. Create a space for yourself in a room with lots of sunlight. Sunlight essentially raises energy levels.
Water is another important factor for balanced energy levels. Lot of people does not have the threshold for thirst. Most of us get involved in activities that we do not realize the thirst. Thirst zaps energy levels. Water replenishes energy. Six to eight glasses of water daily is essential for the body. At the same time urination at intervals will release all the impurities.
Not just refueling energy, we also need to watch for energy leaks. Technology is a major cause of energy leak due to radiations. Observe the IT professionals.
Extreme self-care is required if you have to do personal energy management. Personal Energy Management is essential for us, to be vibrantly well.
End Program:
Good is no longer good enough.
During a contest on writing a book review at Polaris Software Lab, I won the first prize for the review I wrote on one of my most favorite books The Alchemist. Here is a video of the gist of it which I found on the internet. Below the video is my own review on book
THE ALCHEMIST - A fable about following your dream!
by Paulo Coelho
My Review on the book The Alchemist:
The Alchemist
A Fable About Following Your Dream
by Paulo Coelho
Dreams, symbols, signs, and adventure follow the reader like echoes of ancient wise voices in "The Alchemist", a novel that combines an atmosphere of Medieval mysticism with the song of the desert. With this symbolic masterpiece Coelho states that we should not avoid our destinies. And it urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our "Personal Myth" and our mission on Earth is the way to find "God", meaning happiness, fulfillment, and the ultimate purpose of creation. The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage to follow it. After listening to "the signs" the boy ventures in his personal, Ulysses-like journey of exploration and self-discovery, symbolically searching for a hidden treasure located near the pyramids in Egypt. When he decides to go, his father's only advice is "Travel the world until you see that our castle is the greatest, and our women the most beautiful". In his journey, Santiago sees the greatness of the world, and meets all kinds of exciting people like kings and alchemists. However, by the end of the novel, he discovers that "treasure lies where your heart belongs", and that the treasure was the journey itself, the discoveries he made, and the wisdom he acquired. "The Alchemist", is an exciting novel that bursts with optimism; it is the kind of novel that tells you that everything is possible as long as you really want it to happen. That may sound like an oversimplified version of new-age philosophy and mysticism, but as Coelho states "simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate them". As the alchemist himself says, when he appears to Santiago in the form of an old king "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true". This is the core of the novel's philosophy and a motif that echoes behind Coelho's writing all through "The Alchemist". And isn't it true that the whole of humankind desperately wants to believe the old king when he says that the greatest lie in the world is that at some point we lose the ability to control our lives, and become the pawns of fate. Perhaps this is the secret of Coelho's success: that he tells people what they want to hear, or rather that he tells them that what they wish for but never thought possible could even be probable.
Coelho also suggests that those who do not have the courage to follow their " Personal Myth", are doomed to a life of emptiness, misery, and unfulfillment. Fear of failure seems to be the greatest obstacle to happiness. As the old crystal-seller tragically confesses: "I am afraid that great disappointment awaits me, and so I prefer to dream". This is where Coelho really captures the drama of man, who sacrifices fulfillment to conformity, who knows he can achieve greatness but denies to do so, and ends up living a life of void. It is interesting to see that Coelho presents the person who denies to follow his dream as the person who denies to see God, and that "every happy person carries God within him". However, only few people choose to follow the road that has been made for them, and find God while searching for their destiny, and their mission on earth. Consequently, is Coelho suggesting that the alchemists found God while searching for the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone? What is certain is that the symbolism of the text is a parallel to the symbolism and the symbolic language of alchemism, and similarly the symbolism of dreams is presented as " God's language". It is also symbolic that Santiago finds his soul-mate, and the secrets of wisdom in the wilderness of the desert. The "wilderness" is a symbol that has been used by many great writers e.g.. Austen in "Mansfield Park", and Shakespeare in "King Lear". In the desert, Santiago meets his "twin-soul" and discovers that love is the core of existence and creation. As Coelho explains, when we love, we always try to improve ourselves, and that's when everything is possible. The subject of love inspires a beautiful lyricism in Coelho's writing: "I love you because the whole universe conspired for me to come close to you." "The Alchemist" is a novel that may appeal to everybody, because we can all identify with Santiago: all of us have dreams, and are dying for somebody to tell us that they may come true. The novel skillfully combines words of wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of meaning and language, which makes it particularly readable and accounts for its bestselling status.
End of the review of The Alchemist.
Another very important corner is this place on the web which has Daily Motivational quotes. The URL is It has a right now presentation, which is a positive pause in anyones life who visits it. Most importantly, if helps you to pause and reflect upon yourself. The url is Here is the video from Youtube.