Begin column:
You're 35 (plus or minus a few years). You're successful as hell. You made VP in record time and you cruise into your corner office every day that feels good. You're on top of the world and you have only one person to thank for that: yourself. Hundreds of executives on the fast track find it easy to sacrifice fitness on their way to success at work. When your work schedule is crammed, workouts can often take the backseat. It's easiest excuse in the world: "I'm so
busy; I can't find time to work out." But then, if you're smart you would have realized early on that fitness is as important to career progression as anything else.
In any case, the lack of access to gyms or long working hours shouldn't be a deterrent to exercising, at least not if you accord the same priority to workout as you do to that review meetings at workplace.
The bottom line: You can exercise without going to a gym or having access to expensive equipment or weights. Remember, where there's a will there's a way.
End of column:
I keep revisiting this column just to keep myself motivated to keep fit and keep my exercise regime ongoing. So, it is Gym Time for the day.
Song of the day:
Yeh jo desh hai mera... from the movie Swadesh. I like the song for hazaar reasons... few of them are because it is quite an emotional which you can deeply relate to real life. The music is amazing, the depth in the voice, most importantly the shehnai which goes all through the song by Ustad Bismillah Khan, then there is also continuous grunt kind of thing which goes in the background of the song. Overall I love this song. Ofcourse, the other song i like from the movie is Yuhin chela chal raahi... Today's song of the day is Yeh jo desh hai mera... which you can watch on youtube at
From the book, "Peace In A Restless World". The last lines of the book read like this. "Only if there is peace inside will it radiate outside. Your peaceful light will touch others and it will continue to spread like rippling waves. Only then is lasting peace possible."
For my interest in quotes (not stock quotes :-) I have this habit to keep all those quotes, phrases, poems, literature which has an influence or impact in my life.
Here is a poem, which I read for the first time at one of the doctor's clinic long time ago. I just cried for it raised my faith on that occasion because, I realized in those few minutes, how very true this is in my life. In fact, could be for anyones life.
Poem: The Footprints of God
Author: Ken Brown, 1984
The Footprints of God
In the deepest sleep one night I dreamed
That on the beach I walked.
God was by my side each step
And quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life was flashed;
The visions all serene.
Two sets of footprints in the sand
Were there in every scene.
But then I noticed in some scenes
Of suffering, pain and strife...
Just a single set of footprints
At the worst times in my life.
" said you'd stay by me
In good times and in bad...
Why then did you leave me
Each time my life was sad?"
"My precious child", God answered,
"When your life had pain, I knew,
The single set of footprints
Were the times I carried you."
My Inspiration in different forms:

These are greatest inspiration for me at all times. Apart from them, there are many many more people who have inspired me in different ways at different points in time. The list would be too big even to just name each of them. Thanks A Ton to each one of them.
"ఎందఱో మహానుభావులు అందరికీ వందనములు..."
There has been a chain of emails which we keep receiving which are these chain emails. While majority of them do not appeal to the majority, there are few which are significant in one way or there other. Here is one such thing, which I got it from one of those chain emails and i like it.
24 Things to Always Remember. . . and One Thing to Never Forget
Your presence is a present to the world.
You're unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You'll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don't put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot . . . goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are people . . . together.
Realize that it's never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have health and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.
And don't ever forget . . .
For even a day . . .
How very special you are.
Love All –Serve All
"ఎందఱో మహానుభావులు అందరికీ వందనములు..."
There has been a chain of emails which we keep receiving which are these chain emails. While majority of them do not appeal to the majority, there are few which are significant in one way or there other. Here is one such thing, which I got it from one of those chain emails and i like it.
24 Things to Always Remember. . . and One Thing to Never Forget
Your presence is a present to the world.
You're unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You'll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don't put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot . . . goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are people . . . together.
Realize that it's never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have health and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.
And don't ever forget . . .
For even a day . . .
How very special you are.
Love All –Serve All
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