Sunday, January 24, 2010

8 Things That Billionaires Do ~ Robin Sharma

A gist from Robin's 22 minute segment on 8 Things that Billionaires Do.

PPPs => Peak Performance Protocals

1. Dream
2. Learning
3. Cause

Celebrate Your Parents!

Celebrate The People You Love!!

Don't get stuck in the past, spend time in the future!

Always be dreaming!

Solitary fantasy can transform into a million realities!

Learning is anti-dote to self-stagnation

Push your envelop.

Move into your discomfort zone and keep learning and growing!

Best of the Best take time to read!

Best entrepreneurs build coaches!

Find a cause that is bigger than your life and dedicate your life to it!

Having a Mission and Work towards it!

Spend time in quite, writing a journal and climbing towards success.

Don't get Addicted to Business!

Staggering amount of focus!

Genius know a little of few things extremely well!



Work in the realm of the talents!

Work makes them really happy!!

Doing work they are making a living!!!

Secrets of success is to live life in your own terms!

To thyself be true!! ~ Shakespeare

There will never be a better you than you ~ Warren Buffet

Don't lose yourself on the way to the top!! ~ Jack Welsh

Pause for a few moments in your life and rethink your life!

3 Spheres:
Working in the realm of talents.
Work makes them happy.
Doing work they can make a living out of it.

Read the most noble lives of people who walked the planet!

Change starts of small!!

8 Things That Billionaires Do!!

1. Clarity of Vision: Clarity of focus; Obsessed about their vision;
Staggeringly clear of their vision;

Stop being busy and start being productive.

Shift from being busy to achieving results ~ Peter Drucker

2. Number one asset you can bring to your business energy: They have the game days and then they pull back to recharge, renew and refuel.
High performance cycle and pull back to recharge / refuel.
Energy is Key.

3. Relationship Best Communicators: Build relationships; Focus on relationships and money will follow;

4. Innovators: Make today better than yesterday.
Continuous / consistent improvement

5. Operations:
Institutionalized processes; Consistency;

6. Real economy is your inner feeling.
Strong mindset of Champion Rich is a state of mind:
Prosperity is a birthright!

7. Huge executionists:
90 second rule is to seize the opportunity.
Keep promises and honor commitments.

8. Legacy:
Doing deeds which are much longer than you live.

Leadership and Success is one word Transformation.

Potential unexpressed turns to pain!

Think Of Your Legacy and Play at Your Best!!

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