On the sunday July 3rd 2004, in Hindu newspaper there was a very interesting Sashi Tharror column on Albert Einstein. I was just imagining, how one would be looking when you hold a pipe in your mouth on The photo of Einsteine was amazing with a pipe. I don't smoke but I definitely would love to smoke it from a pipe. Just imagining, on a European holiday. Undoubtedly, very graceful and revered in style with the pipe in mouth, those sparkling eyes, deep thoughts and warm smiles. Wish I could draw this picture of myself. Coming back, to the article, at the end of this column on Einstein, there was a statement made by Einstein upon learning the death of Mahatma Gandhiji which states "generations to come may scarce believe that such a one as this, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth". I was wondering, how far they think. Here is another interesting piece which talks of philosophy and Einstein.
Begin Article:
Title: Feeling is Believing
The professor of a university challenged his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student answered bravely, "Yes, he did".
The professor then asked, "If God created everything, then he created evil. Since evil exists (as noticed by our own actions), so God is evil. The student couldn't respond to that statement causing the professor to
conclude that he had "proved" that "belief in God" was a fairy tale, and therefore worthless.
Another student raised his hand and asked the professor, "May I pose a question? " "Of course" answered the professor.
The young student stood up and asked : "Professor does Cold exists?"
The professor answered, "What kind of question is that?...Of course the cold exists... haven't you ever been cold?"
The young student answered, "In fact sir, Cold does not exist. According to the laws of Physics, what we consider cold, in fact is the absence of heat. Anything is able to be studied as long as it transmits energy (heat). Absolute Zero is the total absence of heat, but cold does not exist. What we have done is create a term to describe how we feel if we don't have body heat or we are not hot."
"And, does Dark exist?", he continued. The professor answered "Of course". This time the student responded, "Again you're wrong,Sir. Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in fact simply the absence of light. Light can be studied, darkness can not. Darkness cannot be broken down. A simple ray of light tears the darkness and illuminates the surface where the! light beam finishes. Dark is a term that we humans have created to describe what happens when there's lack of light."
Finally, the student asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" The professor replied, "Of course it exists, as I mentioned at the beginning, we see violations, crimes and violence anywhere in the world, and those things are evil."
The student responded, "Sir, Evil does not exist. Just as in the previous cases, Evil is a term which man has created to describe the result of the absence of God's presence in the hearts of man.
After this, the professor bowed down his head, and didn't answer back.
The young man's name was ALBERT EINSTEIN
End Article:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Prayer in Silence
A Condolence Letter to A Guru!!
I have never seen you so gloomy। You are experiencing
deep distress and I really cannot imagine how you would be feeling. I
am sure; It is the greatest loss to anyone to lose a mother. (I am
only guessing it after seeing you.) I could see only one thing in
your eyes. Deep sorrow. I have never seen so much sorrow in your
eyes looks like they have dried out of tears. Swamy, do not hold your
sorrow or keep it to yourself. Cry your heart out and let the sorrow
in you get exhausted. There can be no greater loss than this.
I could see absolute calmness in you. The calmness as serene as a
lake early in the morning. Get yourself a renewed energy. There is
divinity in you, which you have transmitted to many souls. Your mom
may not be present in the same form. You can always use your
highest connecting power;
you can connect to your mom anytime you want.
She will appear to you in forms that you wish to see her. Show your
smiling face to her and lift her soul to peace. You have all that
divine power. Give it to your family. You are an embodiment
of pristine divinity. Go to a Carnatic classical concert. Get
connected to her and be always happy. And I am sure that your
happiness will give her soul all the ultimate peace, which
pen-ultimately will give you the bliss.
There are many forms in which, I see you, My Lord.
A quote:
And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His
own, and the joy we share in our time of prayer.
I pray to the Lord that I should be readily connected and available to
you at times whenever you need me.
सदा आपके सेवा में!!
I have never seen you so gloomy। You are experiencing
deep distress and I really cannot imagine how you would be feeling. I
am sure; It is the greatest loss to anyone to lose a mother. (I am
only guessing it after seeing you.) I could see only one thing in
your eyes. Deep sorrow. I have never seen so much sorrow in your
eyes looks like they have dried out of tears. Swamy, do not hold your
sorrow or keep it to yourself. Cry your heart out and let the sorrow
in you get exhausted. There can be no greater loss than this.
I could see absolute calmness in you. The calmness as serene as a
lake early in the morning. Get yourself a renewed energy. There is
divinity in you, which you have transmitted to many souls. Your mom
may not be present in the same form. You can always use your
highest connecting power;
you can connect to your mom anytime you want.
She will appear to you in forms that you wish to see her. Show your
smiling face to her and lift her soul to peace. You have all that
divine power. Give it to your family. You are an embodiment
of pristine divinity. Go to a Carnatic classical concert. Get
connected to her and be always happy. And I am sure that your
happiness will give her soul all the ultimate peace, which
pen-ultimately will give you the bliss.
There are many forms in which, I see you, My Lord.
A quote:
And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His
own, and the joy we share in our time of prayer.
I pray to the Lord that I should be readily connected and available to
you at times whenever you need me.
सदा आपके सेवा में!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Srimaye's First Day At PlaySchool
On this day, 1st of October 2009, Srimaye enrolled into the playschool for the first time ever. Another series of great moments, wonderful days in the lives of Swapna and myself, which only Srimaye could bring and no one else for the uniqueness of her being our first child.
Swapna and I have been planning for this for more than months, but I actually haven't really done anything untill today. Prior to this big day, Swapna did inquire on when the admissions would happen, which school in the neighborhood is better etc.
In deciding upon the school, our choice was to put her in a school which would give her a holistic education rather than just ABCs or 123s. I wanted Srimaye to pick her communication skills and other soft skills which be with her for ever. Swapna went on finding about schools in the neighborhood that are good in whatever parameters she herself is convinced of. Public schools were ruled out as Srimaye will have to be four years to get into kindergarten and for preschool in public schools one of the parents have to accompany. Obviously, it was not our choice simply because it would steal the little rather very little personal time which Swapna gets. There was another school around 20 minutes away from home, The Royal Montessori which, in Swapna's inquiry turned out to be best school in the neighborhood. Knowing the weather conditions and also considering the duration of 20 minutes walk specially during winter times, we felt it was not feasible. The next option we had was the school which is adjacent to our apartment block right across the street. This is the "Kougar Kitten Playschool". This playschool is in the premises of "TL Kennedy Secondary School" run by Peel District School Board. The school is pretty good in large campus, which also has a huge football ground. Its single story building spread wide in vicinity with long corridors.
Srimaye's School Address:
Kougar Kitten Playschool
3100, Hurontario Street
Mississauga, Ontario - L5B 1N7
The school name wtih Kitten is so apt for the little Srimaye, who resembles cub from the family of tigres, with her very playful attitude, charming eyes, cute smile and adorable face. She radiates divine beauty and God's magnificence. DDD (Dad describing Daughter) would always be exaggerating to the world while it is always understating to Dads' themselves. I guess no dad is an exception to this.
Early morning Srimaye is the first to get up. As I have taken off from office for the morning session, I decided to wake-up late. Swapna did not get out of the bed though she was awake. So Srimaye was the one who got ready first in the home, this morning. She was all dressed in her pink full pants, sleeves pullover white in color with multi color thin pencil strips on it. She has worn her hood jacket and white shoes. We three had breakfast and as usual Srimaye was slow in eating. We searched for Srimaye's school bag and found her travel bag. So we decided to take it for the day. I payed to Godess Saraswathi on behalf of Srimaye. Ofcourse, Srimaye got her Aksharabhyasam performed Saraswathi temple in Basara. Before starting to school, Srimaye wanted to take her large dressed mamma teddy bear soft toy to preschool along with her. Swapna persuaded to leave the bear at home while Srimaye insisted. Srimaye, was given a choice of either going to school or playing with teaddy bear. She wisely has chosen to go to school. She put her back pack on and we all walked down to the school. Weather outside is cool and is just about to get chill in a couple of weeks. Though it was definitely cool, we could manage with one jacket or sweater. While crossing the road, we have see lots of parents dropping kids at the bus station, where the public school bus will pick up and drop off the kids. The school bus passed away and we crossed the road. I guess Srimaye felt it very cold, so she complained her legs were aching. So, I carried her untill we were near to Srimaye's pre-school. Then all three of us walked into the school. It was all emply and silent corridors as the secondary school kids are already in their classes. So, we walked and entered into to the play school section. It was a huge square room with yellow walls and very bright room indeed. Very vibrant with light and joy of kids playing and walking around. There is an inflow of parents coming and dropping kids off at the play school. There is a lady, busy greeting the kids and parents, taking registrations and doing many things same time with ease. She is Mrs. Gail Wrobel, Preschool teacher, Early Childhood Educator. Mrs. Wrobel, has given us a registration form to fill and submit. She showed Srimaye's cupboard and place to keep her things. She placed a name card "Asritha" back of Srimaye's shirt, this way she would recognize all kids. Seems to be very well experienced with all kinds of kids. We submitted the forms and got Srimaye enrolled. Mrs. Wrobel explained how they would teach the kids about different things in school. The whole of this week, they would teach the letter M and the sounds related to it "mmmmmmmm....". She mentioned that we should be showing the kind where ever and ask her to say the letters and sounds for instance in a grocery store, Mmmmm.... Milk, Mmmmm.... Meat etc. She also mentioned that they would teach personal hygiene, toilet procedures etiquette etc. Mrs. Wroble explained that parents have to get some homework done by the kid, so that the kid get accustomed to doing things. For example holding a pencil, and when doing the homework, parents should correct the kid. I thought to myself, that Mrs. Wrobel is underestimating Asritha, as she thinks that Srimaye doesn't know how to hold a pencil. I did not care to tell her, as I would want the teacher Mrs. Wrobel should be able to figure that out from the students. All said, Mrs. Wroble is a wonderful teacher. Srimaye was busy with her teacher and cared less to say by to us. We were happy for it, because few kids were crying as the parents let them at school. Today was also the birthday of one of the kids in Srimaye's class. I also got worried a little because some of the kids were already showing symptoms of flue. I chose not to pay too much attention to it. While we watched Srimaye from the pane on the door, Srimaye is already busy with her teacher, she went into toys room and got herself a toy shopping cart and a Dora soft toy. Swapna and I smiled wondering why she picked the shopping cart. Did we acquaint her so much with shopping? Lots of laughter!!
Wondering how days have gone by so fast and our daughter is already attending school, while both of us still feel that we are kind of newly wed. Swapna and I went for medical tests and we were somewhat early. So there was not much wait time. So, Swapna managed to finish the tests early and we walked out of the medical lab. Then we went to a hair stylist and got my hair done. Swapna liked the new look and I liked it very much. After coming to Canada, this is the first time, I felt it was a very decent and classy look that the stylist did. Earlier, I went to different saloons and I really did not like the way they cut my hair. Today, the style was impressive and so I tipped the stylist 30% and told him that I liked the hair cut. The stylist was delighted! Swapna said, you made his day, he looked very happy. And you are looking cool with this new hair style. Swapna felt like having coffee and everything suddenly became romantic. Romance is in the air, we felt like we were honeymoon couple, having nothing to do, but to just romance around in the cool weather. We walked holding each other talking. At one instance, a passer by stared at my office tag which was hanging over my pocket from my belt. I felt we were like a college students who bunked college to freak around. I tried not to hide my office card several times though I was on leave in the morning session. It was really pleasant spending time with Swapna. We continued our walk to Tim Horton's and ordered for some breakfast and coffee which we deliberately shared to make it more romantic than the combination cool weather and hot coffee. We walked slowly back to home and by then it was 11AM. We had spent time at home till 11.30AM.
Srimaye's school timings are from 8.45 AM to 11.45 AM.
So, at 11.30, Swapna went to pick Srimaye from school while i have take a bus to get back to my office. At work, I participated in the "United Way" campaign, to be a volunteer in collecting donations within Citi, for the various upbringing of the under developed and various other hundreds of welfare organization that are under the umbrella of United Way. Had a tuna sandwich and grilled turkey sandwich with orange juice for lunch. Then work went at a good pace, maybe because of the magic of spending the whole morning with Swapna. Returned late from office to home at around 10PM.
Swapna told me over the phone, that Srimaye's first day is wonderful. The teacher gave a feedback on Srimaye that Srimaye is very social and talkative. They would ask people to talk, but they never do while, Asritha is very good that way. Teacher also gave her some homework to complete. :-)
While blogging this, I also remember that Swapna wants Srimaye to be called as Asritha. So, with this enrollment into school, Srimaye is also being called as Asritha. And one of dream's (Swapna's) dream come true. :-) As of me, I am very happy for spending the day with Swapna, being there for Srimaye's first day at school, it was all just perfect because of God's Grace that is showered upon us.
While reading the book, You Can Win by Shiv Khera, I read this Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher as part of that book. It is one of those many many writings, poems, phrases etc list of things that have touched my heart. I waited since then, to share it again to the world in my own terms on the day when my kid goes to school. I am delighted to write this blog on this day. I will sign-off this journal with Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher. Enjoy!!
Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher

He will have to learn, I know,
that all men are not just,
all men are not true.
But teach him also that
for every scoundrel there is a hero;
that for every selfish Politician,
there is a dedicated leader…
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,
Steer him away from envy,
if you can,
teach him the secret of
quiet laughter.
Let him learn early that
the bullies are the easiest to lick…
Teach him, if you can,
the wonder of books…
But also give him quiet time
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,
bees in the sun,
and the flowers on a green hillside.
In the school teach him
it is far honourable to fail
than to cheat…
Teach him to have faith
in his own ideas,
even if everyone tells him
they are wrong…
Teach him to be gentle
with gentle people,
and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son
the strength not to follow the crowd
when everyone is getting on the band wagon…
Teach him to listen to all men…
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.
Teach him if you can,
how to laugh when he is sad…
Teach him there is no shame in tears,
Teach him to scoff at cynics
and to beware of too much sweetness…
Teach him to sell his brawn
and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks he’s right.
Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.
Let him have the courage
to be impatient…
let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do…
He is such a fine little fellow,
my son!
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
(The 16th President of the United States of America 1861 – 1965)
Swapna and I have been planning for this for more than months, but I actually haven't really done anything untill today. Prior to this big day, Swapna did inquire on when the admissions would happen, which school in the neighborhood is better etc.
In deciding upon the school, our choice was to put her in a school which would give her a holistic education rather than just ABCs or 123s. I wanted Srimaye to pick her communication skills and other soft skills which be with her for ever. Swapna went on finding about schools in the neighborhood that are good in whatever parameters she herself is convinced of. Public schools were ruled out as Srimaye will have to be four years to get into kindergarten and for preschool in public schools one of the parents have to accompany. Obviously, it was not our choice simply because it would steal the little rather very little personal time which Swapna gets. There was another school around 20 minutes away from home, The Royal Montessori which, in Swapna's inquiry turned out to be best school in the neighborhood. Knowing the weather conditions and also considering the duration of 20 minutes walk specially during winter times, we felt it was not feasible. The next option we had was the school which is adjacent to our apartment block right across the street. This is the "Kougar Kitten Playschool". This playschool is in the premises of "TL Kennedy Secondary School" run by Peel District School Board. The school is pretty good in large campus, which also has a huge football ground. Its single story building spread wide in vicinity with long corridors.
Srimaye's School Address:
Kougar Kitten Playschool
3100, Hurontario Street
Mississauga, Ontario - L5B 1N7
The school name wtih Kitten is so apt for the little Srimaye, who resembles cub from the family of tigres, with her very playful attitude, charming eyes, cute smile and adorable face. She radiates divine beauty and God's magnificence. DDD (Dad describing Daughter) would always be exaggerating to the world while it is always understating to Dads' themselves. I guess no dad is an exception to this.
Early morning Srimaye is the first to get up. As I have taken off from office for the morning session, I decided to wake-up late. Swapna did not get out of the bed though she was awake. So Srimaye was the one who got ready first in the home, this morning. She was all dressed in her pink full pants, sleeves pullover white in color with multi color thin pencil strips on it. She has worn her hood jacket and white shoes. We three had breakfast and as usual Srimaye was slow in eating. We searched for Srimaye's school bag and found her travel bag. So we decided to take it for the day. I payed to Godess Saraswathi on behalf of Srimaye. Ofcourse, Srimaye got her Aksharabhyasam performed Saraswathi temple in Basara. Before starting to school, Srimaye wanted to take her large dressed mamma teddy bear soft toy to preschool along with her. Swapna persuaded to leave the bear at home while Srimaye insisted. Srimaye, was given a choice of either going to school or playing with teaddy bear. She wisely has chosen to go to school. She put her back pack on and we all walked down to the school. Weather outside is cool and is just about to get chill in a couple of weeks. Though it was definitely cool, we could manage with one jacket or sweater. While crossing the road, we have see lots of parents dropping kids at the bus station, where the public school bus will pick up and drop off the kids. The school bus passed away and we crossed the road. I guess Srimaye felt it very cold, so she complained her legs were aching. So, I carried her untill we were near to Srimaye's pre-school. Then all three of us walked into the school. It was all emply and silent corridors as the secondary school kids are already in their classes. So, we walked and entered into to the play school section. It was a huge square room with yellow walls and very bright room indeed. Very vibrant with light and joy of kids playing and walking around. There is an inflow of parents coming and dropping kids off at the play school. There is a lady, busy greeting the kids and parents, taking registrations and doing many things same time with ease. She is Mrs. Gail Wrobel, Preschool teacher, Early Childhood Educator. Mrs. Wrobel, has given us a registration form to fill and submit. She showed Srimaye's cupboard and place to keep her things. She placed a name card "Asritha" back of Srimaye's shirt, this way she would recognize all kids. Seems to be very well experienced with all kinds of kids. We submitted the forms and got Srimaye enrolled. Mrs. Wrobel explained how they would teach the kids about different things in school. The whole of this week, they would teach the letter M and the sounds related to it "mmmmmmmm....". She mentioned that we should be showing the kind where ever and ask her to say the letters and sounds for instance in a grocery store, Mmmmm.... Milk, Mmmmm.... Meat etc. She also mentioned that they would teach personal hygiene, toilet procedures etiquette etc. Mrs. Wroble explained that parents have to get some homework done by the kid, so that the kid get accustomed to doing things. For example holding a pencil, and when doing the homework, parents should correct the kid. I thought to myself, that Mrs. Wrobel is underestimating Asritha, as she thinks that Srimaye doesn't know how to hold a pencil. I did not care to tell her, as I would want the teacher Mrs. Wrobel should be able to figure that out from the students. All said, Mrs. Wroble is a wonderful teacher. Srimaye was busy with her teacher and cared less to say by to us. We were happy for it, because few kids were crying as the parents let them at school. Today was also the birthday of one of the kids in Srimaye's class. I also got worried a little because some of the kids were already showing symptoms of flue. I chose not to pay too much attention to it. While we watched Srimaye from the pane on the door, Srimaye is already busy with her teacher, she went into toys room and got herself a toy shopping cart and a Dora soft toy. Swapna and I smiled wondering why she picked the shopping cart. Did we acquaint her so much with shopping? Lots of laughter!!
Wondering how days have gone by so fast and our daughter is already attending school, while both of us still feel that we are kind of newly wed. Swapna and I went for medical tests and we were somewhat early. So there was not much wait time. So, Swapna managed to finish the tests early and we walked out of the medical lab. Then we went to a hair stylist and got my hair done. Swapna liked the new look and I liked it very much. After coming to Canada, this is the first time, I felt it was a very decent and classy look that the stylist did. Earlier, I went to different saloons and I really did not like the way they cut my hair. Today, the style was impressive and so I tipped the stylist 30% and told him that I liked the hair cut. The stylist was delighted! Swapna said, you made his day, he looked very happy. And you are looking cool with this new hair style. Swapna felt like having coffee and everything suddenly became romantic. Romance is in the air, we felt like we were honeymoon couple, having nothing to do, but to just romance around in the cool weather. We walked holding each other talking. At one instance, a passer by stared at my office tag which was hanging over my pocket from my belt. I felt we were like a college students who bunked college to freak around. I tried not to hide my office card several times though I was on leave in the morning session. It was really pleasant spending time with Swapna. We continued our walk to Tim Horton's and ordered for some breakfast and coffee which we deliberately shared to make it more romantic than the combination cool weather and hot coffee. We walked slowly back to home and by then it was 11AM. We had spent time at home till 11.30AM.
Srimaye's school timings are from 8.45 AM to 11.45 AM.
So, at 11.30, Swapna went to pick Srimaye from school while i have take a bus to get back to my office. At work, I participated in the "United Way" campaign, to be a volunteer in collecting donations within Citi, for the various upbringing of the under developed and various other hundreds of welfare organization that are under the umbrella of United Way. Had a tuna sandwich and grilled turkey sandwich with orange juice for lunch. Then work went at a good pace, maybe because of the magic of spending the whole morning with Swapna. Returned late from office to home at around 10PM.
Swapna told me over the phone, that Srimaye's first day is wonderful. The teacher gave a feedback on Srimaye that Srimaye is very social and talkative. They would ask people to talk, but they never do while, Asritha is very good that way. Teacher also gave her some homework to complete. :-)
While blogging this, I also remember that Swapna wants Srimaye to be called as Asritha. So, with this enrollment into school, Srimaye is also being called as Asritha. And one of dream's (Swapna's) dream come true. :-) As of me, I am very happy for spending the day with Swapna, being there for Srimaye's first day at school, it was all just perfect because of God's Grace that is showered upon us.
While reading the book, You Can Win by Shiv Khera, I read this Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher as part of that book. It is one of those many many writings, poems, phrases etc list of things that have touched my heart. I waited since then, to share it again to the world in my own terms on the day when my kid goes to school. I am delighted to write this blog on this day. I will sign-off this journal with Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher. Enjoy!!
Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher

He will have to learn, I know,
that all men are not just,
all men are not true.
But teach him also that
for every scoundrel there is a hero;
that for every selfish Politician,
there is a dedicated leader…
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,
Steer him away from envy,
if you can,
teach him the secret of
quiet laughter.
Let him learn early that
the bullies are the easiest to lick…
Teach him, if you can,
the wonder of books…
But also give him quiet time
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,
bees in the sun,
and the flowers on a green hillside.
In the school teach him
it is far honourable to fail
than to cheat…
Teach him to have faith
in his own ideas,
even if everyone tells him
they are wrong…
Teach him to be gentle
with gentle people,
and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son
the strength not to follow the crowd
when everyone is getting on the band wagon…
Teach him to listen to all men…
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.
Teach him if you can,
how to laugh when he is sad…
Teach him there is no shame in tears,
Teach him to scoff at cynics
and to beware of too much sweetness…
Teach him to sell his brawn
and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks he’s right.
Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.
Let him have the courage
to be impatient…
let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do…
He is such a fine little fellow,
my son!
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
(The 16th President of the United States of America 1861 – 1965)
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